Model: SEI - 01 - 491
Lieberman,Eye Speculum, pediatric thin solid blades, non-reflective finish adjustable mechanism Ideal for infants and small children Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 01 - 492
Lieberman,Eye Speculum adjustable mechanism V-shaped open wire blades are designed to retain the surgical drape under the eyelids Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 01 - 493
Lieberman,Eye Speculum, K-wire Kratz style open wire blades adjustable mechanism Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 01 - 494
Williams,Eye Speculum with locking screw. 11mm blades 15mm blades Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 01 - 495
Sauer,Lid Speculum. for infants, 11mm blades for premature infants, 2mm blades Finish: Satin,Sand..