Model: SEI - 04 - 811
Nevyas,Capsulorrhexis Forceps cystotome shaped tips extremely thin 11mm long shanks For penetrating and grasping the anterior capsule
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 812
Masket,Capsulorrhexis Forceps very delicate triangular grasping tips extremely thin 11mm long vaulted shanks.
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 813
Masket,Capsulorrhexis Forceps very delicate triangular grasping tips extremely thin 11mm long vaulted shanks round handle with guide pin
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 814
Jaffe,Capsulorrhexis Forceps very delicate round grasping tips extremely thin 11mm long shanks.
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 815
Giannetti,MICS Capsulorrhexis Forceps ultra delicate shanks and tips maximum jaw opening 2mm For performing capsulorrhexis through a 1.5mm incision
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 816
MICS Capsulorrhexis Force,Tying Forceps very delicate, smooth jaws For 8-0 to 11-0 sutures. straight curved
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 817
Anis,Tying Forceps extra delicate, smooth jaws For 9-0 to 11-0 sutures. straight curved
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 818
Freeman-Jaffe,Lens Holding Forceps with longitudinal groove For grasping IOL haptic.
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 819
Jaffe,Tying Forceps very delicate, smooth jaws, 6mm long platform For 8-0 to 11-0 sutures. straight curved
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 820
Maumenee,Tying Forceps concave-convex jaws round handle with guide pin For 8-0 to 11-0 sutures. straight angled
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 821
Harms,Tying Forceps standard, smooth jaws For 7-0 to 9-0 sutures. Straight
Finish: Satin,Sand..
Model: SEI - 04 - 822
Maumenee,Tying Forceps concave-convex jaws round handle with guide pin. straight angled
Finish: Satin,Sand..